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p a P I L e DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING parenteral p a R E Nt e r a l parotid gland p a R O T i d gl a nd perianal p e r e A n a l periodontist p e r e o D O Nt i st peritonitis p e r i t o N I t i s peristalsis p e r i ST A Ls i s pharyngeal f a r a nJ E a l or f a R I Nj e a l pharynx F A R i nks portal vein P O Rt a l v a n postprandial p o stPR A Nd e a l premolar teeth pr e M O l a r t e th proctologist pr o kT O L o j i st protease PR O t e a se pulp p u lp pyloric sphincter p i L O R i k SF I NKt e r pyloroplasty p i L O R o pl a st e pylorus p i L O R u s rectocele R E Kt o s e l rectum R E Kt u m rugae ROOg e saliva s a L I v a salivary glands S A L i v a r e gl a ndz sialadenitis s i a l a d e N I t i s sialolith s i A L o l i th sigmoid colon S I Gmoyd K O l o n sigmoidoscopy s i gmoyd O Sk o p e sphincter SF I NKt e r steatorrhea st e a t o R E a stomach STOMak stomatitis st o m a T I t i s sublingual s u bL I NGw a l submandibular s u bm a nD I B u l a r 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A r o tr a nzpl a nt A sh u n brachytherapy br a k e TH E r a p e cachexia k a K E Ks e a carcinogens k a rS I N o j e nz carcinoma k a rs i N O ma carcinoma in situ k a rs i N O ma i n S I too CANCER MEDICINE ONCOLOGY TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING cauterization k a wt e r i Z A sh u n cellular oncogenes S E L u l a r O NGK o j e nz chemotherapy k e m o TH E R a p e combination chemotherapy K O Mb i N A sh u n k e m o TH E R a p e core needle biopsy k o r N E dl B I o ps e cryosurgery kr i o S U Rj e r e cystic tumor S I St i k TOOm o r cytogenetic analysis s i t o j e N E T i k a N A L e s i s dedifferentiation d e d i f e r e nsh e A sh u n deoxyribonucleic acid d e o x e r i b o nooKL E i k A S i d differentiating agents d i f e r E Nsh e a t i ng A g e nts differentiation d i f e r e nsh e A sh u n dysplastic d i sPL A St i k electrocauterization e l e ktr o kawt e r e Z A shun electron beams e L E Ktr o n b e mz en bloc resection e n bl o k r e S E Ksh u n encapsulated e nK A Ps u l 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