Статьи о школе Шаталова: .Интервью Основателя и Директора Школы Шаталова В.Ф., кандидата философских наук Виноградова С.Н..ПОСЛЕДНИЙ ОСКОЛОК СОВЕТСКОЙ ШКОЛЫ....Первородный грех школы и пришел ли спаситель?.Учитель и карьера учеников.Аксиома таланта.Кому нужны уроки Шаталова.National teacher of the USSR Victor Shatalov.Интервью Шаталова В.Ф..Учим сами.Из пункта А в пункт Ша... (продолжение).Из пункта А в пункт Ша....Творить-всегда удивлять.What is Neither Mentioned nor Taught in School.Педагогический поэт.Говорят ученики Шаталова.Учителю Шаталову В.Ф..О чем не говорят, чему не учат в школе....Уроки Шаталова. Журнал "Педагогика", №8 октябрь 2006 г..Мои дети заканчивают школу не в 11-м, а в 9-м классе.В школьные годы дети способны освоить азы всех наук.На столбе – объявление. От гения.Мои ученики помнят все.Парабола Шаталова.В начальных было слово. Учить детей мыслить вслух — лучший способ застраховать их от неудач.Как показать ученику невидимое?.Виноградов С.Н., Слепушкин В.В. КАЧЕСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУЧНАЯ МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ В.Ф. ШАТАЛОВА : Статьи .
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Статьи и публикации о школе Шаталова
What is Neither Mentioned nor Taught in School
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, nobody reads “The Club messenger” in school. But just in the first issue there was published an invitation to the lessons of the world-famous educational specialist-pioneer V.F. Shatalov. That is why it is not mentioned in school that not only 11 or 12-year-old children but by 9, 8 or even 7-year-old ones can learn school course; that pupils will be able to avoid ‘poor’ grade; they will not need coaches, pupil's mark book, obligatory home tasks, children will have an extra day off in the middle of the week, they will have an opportunity to go in for sport, etc.
You can remember that you read about it in the “City of the Sun” by Tommazo Kampanella. But if one of the first communists could only dream about it, one of the last ones created such a city in his school and for more than 30 years he has been bringing up future candidates and Doctors of different sciences, masters of sports, champions out of poor pupils. To tell the truth, he was quite often left out of communists but he never gave up his task. He instructed children and teachers, wrote books, manuals and at the instance of the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow – St. Petersburg” he showed that a year geometry course of secondary school can be learnt for 10 hours. Last time he did it in Slantsevsky juvenile correction (children could not learn geometry there), and in a week the whole group that had only 45 minutes lessons a day, managed to pass the examination excellently. We recorded his lessons on geometry and physics just in case educational officials will say that this phenomenon can not exist because it can be never. And they will not only recommend paying educational taxes in time but learn to spend them correctly. Because Chinese and Germans, Americans and Italians, who duly came to Donetsk and Moscow on Shatalov’s lessons and then instilled his pedagogical ideas, are doing all these. Now officials introduced common state examination, tomorrow they will bring in 12-grade system but educational problems are not solved by the result fixation but by developing methods of teaching. A sportsman will not run faster because of application of new stopwatches. Study, Ladies and Gentlemen, until it is possible. Fortunately, “The Club messenger” is read in “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, “Arguments and Facts”, on radio “Svoboda” and in some other respected mass communication mediae. On April 8, 2004 “Moskovsky Komsomolets” published an article about the work of Victor Feodorovich. New materials are edited now. And we inform readers of “The Club messenger” that you can buy all the books by V.F. Shatalov about educational system, textbooks and videotapes, sign up for the lessons that take place during school holidays at the price of the editors (tel.: 772-47-34, 263-18-30). Using the opportunity, the editors congratulate Victor Feodorovich Shatalov, participant of the Great Patriotic war, national teacher of the USSR, honoured teacher of the Ukraine, the knight of Nikolay Chudotvorets for good augmenting in the world, Honoured president of the Italian association “Dante Aligieri”, professor of Donetsk institute of the social education, author of the most effective system of school education on his birthday and the Victory Day. We wish You health and inexhaustible creativeness. We invite You to Moscow! Our children want to study at your lessons. And we hope that we shall not have to move them into correctional facility.
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